Wednesday 5 August 2009

101 on how to train for competition in one day

hehe, i'm doing that. anyway, how was training?
i'll tell you: one word: tiring!

gosh!! i missed school just for some lame training, it's really -- i dunno? i got freaking competition on friday i mean this friday!! omg. that's why i'm so scared, it's like MSSS i bet Jayse has been training for months, and that Sabrina (the freaking form one who beat Jayse and me). so yeah, don't expect anything this competition unless a miracle happened (meaning something like they both got injured [: hehe, no i'm not evil. i hope they do well too okay.) guess how many people turned up? supposedly 20 menengah people but only 4 came 4 okayy?? two were sprinters,, me and me and iqbal. ok looking you know? hehe, he doesn't knwo english that well. anyway, we went sprinting 150m four freaking times. what lah wei, you guys wana try, some more coach said 90%. i tell you my secret lol i'm joking lah, it's not a secret but to me 200m is a freaking killer race. only superwoman can sprint bloody 200m (not joking). you should try sprinting 200m the whole way! see if oyu can or not. oh, wait, have i told you the worst part? i'm going to some asrama to stay for one night, just for competition, and i'm going to miss the recess revo meeting ): i hate staying anywhere with the olahraga team because of freaking ms. chin, ask Wen Ting, Fui Wen. she so annnoooooyyyyiiinnnngg! like grandma or even worse. and the most suprising thing is that when i asked my mum if i can skip competition she said "no, don't miss it" so i tried, i say my leg injured that day one pain. she kept saying must go. sorry everyone i never go school. will re-sit exams another tim i guess alone. oh yeah, i hate the starting line. everyone should know how scared i get. so i'm confessing. it's the worst part i mean it. i don't want to go on friday.

oh yeah. E and A pics, will get some more soon. can't find my face. anyways, here it is.

the band(: shiny trumpet huh?

band again, their presentation.

aaron on the snare/drums or whatever.

the four who are leaving ): sadly, well,

dana (:
veron (:
ji ming (:
and kenneth (:
oops. your pic can't upload. sorry!!

omg, so cute right? pre-juniors i think.
GOH (:
(guard of honour)

hehe, that's all for now.
fyi, i'm super scared.
very, very, pray a miracle will happen everyone ( because you love me, i love you too!)
i will not update for a long, long time.
btw, pray that the asrama won't be so fugly. okay?
scared to the max now.

i love you all. (:


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