Friday 29 July 2011

#415 alligator skies

Kejohanan Kebangsaan Perlis Tertutup ( MAAU ) ;

I've been browsing around aimlessly. Not good. I'm suppose to be studying. Anyways, I have every reason to be happy & I will be.

To him,
Not anyone special okay, but thanks for the advice. (:  oops, wait ,I shall go reply his text now. Anyways, he reassured me that it don't matter what post you get cause it won't influence you much ( yea you get to grow but, ) What yo do outside CF matters most.

So I'm here today to make up for how many days of not posting anything. I've been kinda busy lately, studyiing has got me nowhere far, but i'm trying. I promised I would. I shall tell you about my past weekend. Definitely something to remember. I arrived a day late cause of CF on friday, couldn't miss it. Left at around 330 , NAT NICK & STEPH CAME OVER (: It was nice seeing them again, first time in our new house. hahaa i miss being neighbours anywyas. Went with daddy and we reached at around 10. Driving to perlis is so boring I did addmaths. Yeap anyways, when I arrived I found out we were running the 4x100m event the following day also. Woaah, so anyways, we ran. And got fourth (: not bad eh? Hehe, ask me why I shall tell you in private. It was really cool as it was open, we stayed with people who finished high school. And wooaah, have you met Raje? She's like the fastest hurdler. But you get it don't you, they're interesting people. I'm gonna miss the annoying cats. AHAA, have you met my new friendddd? I present to you...

SATHRAHHH, she sho cute. hhehehe.

bye i shall go study.
See you all in rally tomorrow, expect greater things! :)



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