Thursday 22 December 2011



Christmas comes along. Each year. And Soon enough its a new year already. Need to spend some time rewinding a bit, thinking about what I've accomplished this year, what I've failed to accomplish. My hopes, and everything else. SIGHS. As much as I want this dreadful year to pass; all the memories still matter. Yea, sure, I DO have the hope that 2012 will be better. I really need God. That's about it I guess, cause our lives revolves around Him alone, start casting my cares and worries on Him.

Life's beautiful. We gotta sit back and appreciate it.

I'm going to count my blessings this year, instead of thinking about all the things I don't have.


"I think there is something beautiful in reveling in sadness. The proof is how beautiful sad songs can be. So I don’t think being sad is to be avoided. It’s apathy and boredom you want to avoid. But feeling anything is good, I think. Maybe that’s sadistic of me."

-Joseph Gordon-Levitt  (via thenocturnals)

HMM. Sadness. Waay too much of this in our world. So, Joy to The World! Merry Early Christmas  fellow readers! :)


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