Friday, 5 February 2016


fridays are the best. best are the fridays.

you can choose to do homework, or leave it for the weekend, this means sleeping is an option, or in my case, conveniently talking to your family. They are both travelling back to join those already back home. Everyone is going to see my grandmothers and I am so excited.

Growing up I never realized how much time flies by, Next thing you know, you grow taller than your grandmother, then, they start getting sick occasionally. When scares like really bad fevers or injuries happen, you just are in awe. Because while you're busy living life, they are living too. Sometimes, we just don't take enough time to actually realize that they are there, as alive as we are. We often live life so selfishly and honestly, I really loved getting to know my grandmothers these few years.

The craziest thing is that they were there through it all. Your first cry, your first tooth, your first word. You name it, both my grandmothers were there. Can you imagine them seeing you grow to who you are today? Kind of surreal if you ask me, but we are some sort of a reminder to them, markers of their lives. I really just hope I did them proud.

Because if you ask me, I don't think I will ever spend as much time with them as I wish. I just hope that whatever time we have, I hope it will be the best yet.

wow, how did that go to this? okay bye.


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