"I believe in the moon, the stars. It's that feeling that I'm part of something so much bigger than myself that I will never, ever begin to understand. It's something I can't control, no matter how hard I try. If you can find a way to explain how the moon is so beautiful then I will stop saying my prayers before bed every night."
Teenage kids are so well-fed with unrealistic romances these days. Ideally painted picturesque relationships? I am not excluded from that, but kids. The truth is loving is hard, why do you think the world is as it is today? No one is ever willing to prioritise someone else's need anymore. Are we willing to celebrate someone else's success above our own? Even then, how genuine will our happiness for them be?
Yeah.. figured, if it was so easy, the greatest commandment would not be to love others as yourself. Social media, please stop painting unrealistic pictures. Thought Catalogue articles and all the cliche articles you read online... are so.. superficial.
Thing is, no two person(s) are ever alike. We are created uniquely and we all have indvidual dreams and goals, hence why loving on others can be so very hard - we are all so different and selfish. Yet, if we are all to use the same ruler to measure the love we can give and receive we are not loving enough. So. Teens these days need to know, that love is real, yet love is hard, but Jesus makes it easy. Trying to meet the unrealistically fake standards that cheesy novels have romanticized will probably be the biggest mistake the media can do to new relationships. Be it in a friendship, a family relationship, or a romantic one - love bonds us. But when the perfect definition of love was the biggest sacrifice of mankind, I believe real love cannot be found apart from Him. I just hope I learn how to take that to heart.
Okay, this was a procrastination and I am one discussion away from finishing my class.
Till then.
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