Monday, 17 October 2016

overcome, but not outnumbered

In the series of past (two) week's event, I find myself starting the new week with much peace. It has been a long time since I have felt as such. With mid-terms and prom prep all on the exact same week after a long week of just unnecessary drama.. I got to spend all Sunday in my room. And even though classes and grades seems so overwhelming, I am doing pretty good this semester - surprisingly. My grades are really good, but I have to work harder for this one class that I am at a margin.

Regardless, I know it is not too late to catch up - and this week is one of those chill weeks. So I got to plan my rest of the semester out and my advising. So much peace praying over the coming few years I have left at OU. So yes. My Sunday was much needed after the crazy weekend - of 5 am nights. I got to watch the same elevation sermon as Tiffany, so I liked that too. Plus a two hour nap.


Before I sign off, it is my BFF's birthday today. And today I thank God for him in my life. He is steady and he is rational. He always believes I am strong and he stops me from doing anything stupid. Harris also is brutally honest, and honestly brutal. Ha jk. But this semester working with him has been nothing but the best. He is passionate in all he does. He is kind, thoughtful and would go the distance for his friends. Harris is the best and he is always, always there for me. I don't know what I would have done if I did not have him this semester, but today I'm thankful for him!

ps/ my last post was my 777th post!

"Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them." 2 Kings 6:16


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