Saturday 8 August 2009

happy 17th anniversary!

17th Anniversary!
today's my parent's anniversary. wow, 17 years together. is that awesome or what? though there may be ups and downs, they are really cool. Just wana say thanks for everything. hope you guys have a great day! haha, they can't celebrate today cause dad's old friend's son is getting married. he joked with me saying that they celebrate there. haiyo, he sounded serious though. anyway. congrats to them again.

Recess Revolution.
Went for the recess revo's first gathering. Schools from all over Klang Valley came. Even a few people from Penang. It was really awesome! oh by the way, Seafieldians!! Attention!! recess revo is gonna start in afternoon session, soon. anyone can come. specially you Christians. the gathering was awesome. it's just the beginning, the awesome testimonies and all. check out more here. click here

After that, Clarissa and i went to Summit, though i never shopped there but it's the only time I'll be able to get stuff cause my sibling's exams are getting nearer and nearer, can't really go out that much anymore. ): Guess what i shopped for?? Birthday presents! If your birthday haven't pass tell me Kay? if you want presents that is. lol. I'll try my best to get you want, but you must tell. haha. ok. Freaking happy now. Exams over, finally. sorry yeah you guys, if you can't get your paper cause i haven't sit for it yet. haha. but i already now. oh yeah. guess what? i actually played restaurant city cause so many people invite me to. haiyo, not that fun leh, but for Jack's and the restaurant city fan's sake. it's very very fun. ok, bye for now. love you readers so much! *hugs*

ps, the pics take soo long to upload.

pastor andy (:
i bought this for samantha (:


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