Sunday 12 December 2010

So hey ,

I gotta admit. I blogged only cause tumblrs lagging.

Anyways. I'll tell you a bit about my trip. Things I did? Well, where do I start?
For the first time, I saw a rainbow for three days in a row, watched the clouds float by cause of the crazy wind, murdered a chicken, sat on a bus for 16 hours, spent two weeks with Jon, spent RM400 in one day for someone not me, got broke so fast, what else? I found out alotttttt of things, including things I didn't need to know about daddy's side of the family. It was freaky. I don't have much to say. Plus I slept the whole day cause of fever. So my brains are lagging i guess.

OH GUESS WHAT? I'm going back chinese new year.

Dad just sprang it up on me. Not to my cousins' to my mom's side.

ps/ SERENE, is officially obsessed. Really lol.



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