Thursday 4 October 2012

Of rainbows and happy endings,

somewhere ; stuck in between.
What I would really want in my life is just a bit of positive atmosphere. I want to be able to see that silver lining in grey clouds

Lately I tend to get so angry over the smallest, minute details that go wrong. Its ridiculous how no one knows how angry I am. Which is why I hate myself too, because I had m emotions too much. BUT EVEN, if everyone knew I was angry, that would be worse, cause I'd be some PMS-er that's forever pissed. Anyways, better off no one knowing what I feel. I thank God for the friends who've kept me so rational. They've thought me what a true friend means, despite all the things we've been through, like me not really knowing anyone since primary school and all. I choose to think that what matters is now.

Those that are always there for you now, not every time but when you need them. That's probably the ones I have to hold on to.

And every time I write something out, about what I want to. I just stop. Because sometimes I don't know how much God loves me. And I forget easily, but if I actually stop and look around. My life is pretty perfect and i'm blessed with the people I love, whether far or near. That's all that matters. Living each day, knowing that you have God by your side and that with Him, you'll pull through the deepest, darkest times. No one can phantom why bad things happen, but anyone can choose to believe that its all part of a perfect plan.

Isaiah 55:9
As the heavens are higher than the earth, 
  so are My ways higher than your ways
    and My thoughts than your thoughts.

Psalms 103:11

For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
    so great is His love for those who fear him;

That is what keeps me going. Every day. His love.

Ps/ thank you mum for trying to cheer me up. I know you love me, and I love you too but sometimes emotions overwhelm, and please don't about missing kor. Every time I think of him, I CHOOSE to be happy, but deep inside, my heart just breaks a little. 


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