Sunday, 31 March 2013

My infinite blessings,

I am grateful for Godly music.

Chris August is someone I would marry, no, really, you should hear him out. Winner of the dove awards and etc, I like what he stands for- Jesus.

CLICK > this & this

But my favorite besides his famous "Starry Night"


"In the dark, in the light
In the morning and night
In the good, in the hurt
In the places I hide
When I rise, when I fall
You'll be there through it all
At the start, at the end In the center of the center of it"
Centre Of It, Chris August


Easter is not about eggs, or the Easter bunny. Or anything of that sort, it's all about Jesus. Today He rose again from the dead. And that's why we still live. Because unlike any other, our God lives. He rose from the dead, being the only sacrifice who was pure enough and blameless to be resurrected.

God knows the pain & suffering He experienced, letting His only Son Jesus, die such a horrible death, and all for our sins. Nails on his feet for where we walked, hands pierced for the evil we do with our hands, a crown of thorns for the thoughts we think. All so we can be forgiven, and that is why today we can come so freely to seek forgiveness. To have Him by our side, in everyday, every prayer, every meal, every thought, every conversation, every race, He'll never leave You alone nor forsake You, no matter how hard life gets.. He's there. Because 2013 years ago, 

Jesus died for us,

So happy easter & let us all be eternally grateful too our Lord Jesus today.



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