Sunday, 7 April 2013

A whole new chapter;

I AM TRUSTING, HIM. For the best, in the midst of uncertainties;

Pray hard,
hope for the best.


♥ â™¥ â™¥ â™¥ 

But for real, this spoke to me today:
Did you know that God chose you before the foundations of the earth? Before the worlds were ever formed, He knew you. And, He didn’t create you to be average. He didn’t create you to barely get by. No, He created you to excel! Not only has He chosen you, but He has equipped you with everything you need to live and thrive in this life. He has deposited seeds of greatness inside every person. But in order to tap into those seeds of greatness, you have to believe this and act on it.
Too many people today are going around with low self-esteem, feeling inferior like they don’t have what it takes. But that is living a lie. And as long as we have a poor self-image, we’re not going to experience God’s best. In order to be all that God has called us to be, we have to see ourselves as chosen, valuable and victorious.
Today, meditate on this truth. Let it sink down deep into your heart. Let it build confidence and security in you. As you understand your value in the eyes of God, you’ll be empowered to live the life of victory He has prepared for you!

Hope you have been blessed; here's what I am grateful for today:
  • Breakfast with the church friends, Phil, Jon, John, Clare, though I missed Kirsten
  • 3 hour naps mhmm
  • Sisters! To help organize all your packing
  • Dad to choose luggage bags
  • Shopping....
  • Dinner with them "Bros"
  • Shopping again... hehh
  • Dinner with the family
Here's what I am grateful for this week:
  • My job at true fitness. What an experience
  • Fan girling here!!

Anyhows. What are you grateful for today? :)


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