FGA Childcare Center, Kampung Speu
02 March 2014 - 30 March 2014
Hello everybody. In February, I decided to visit the Childcare Center for a month. I wouldn't call it a mission trip because I didn't exactly share the gospel to anyone. Honestly it wasn't what I planned. I wanted to go on Logos Hope and have the "experience of my life" like my brother. Haha. Turns out God works differently for everyone. But I hope my presence has impacted those around me. With that being said I will share the highlights of my trip (in this post or maybe the next few to come). What I find most interesting, what I miss, what I love about the place, and maybe even what I do not like? Stick with me, I hope you'll find this a good read. Here goes:
When we left home at 4 am I had so many doubts - honestly. I've heard great things about the center, but I have no idea if the kids would like me, I kept rethinking if a month was too long. Whether I'd be missing out on anything when I was gone. The list goes on. Anyways, excitement quickly overshadowed my doubts. After I found John, we met Yee Pei, we were on the same flight and we sat together. She was going to work with the IVHQ (International Volunteers Headquarters). Despite our sleepy faces God greeted us with a sunrise, shortly before arrival. Sadly I didn't get a good shot, but this will suffice.
Walking through immigration alone for the first time was surreal. The fact that my parents aren't around I mean. So different from local flights (To Kuching, Swinburne) Walked through the outdoor-alongside-a-garden walk way out to the arrival lounge - so very different from air-conditioned marble floors. When we arrived outside we immediately saw Yeepei's organisation representative with the IVHQ sign so we hugged goodbye. She didn't get to drop by the FGA CCC cause I left too early. Shortly afterwards we saw Uncle Sunny. Immediately he started a conversation with us. When we got into the car he got to know John and where he's from etc. After exiting the airport, Uncle switched modes to a tour guide. Literally; ahahaha he introduced famous prisons, schools, factories. If at any point of his life he decides not to direct the FGA CCC he can totally pass for a Tourist Guide in Cambodia. But. Jokes aside, he really knows things and made the drive seem very short; he even informed us that the king just died. We had a really lively conversation going till we reached Kampung Speu, about 45 minutes drive.
The kids have just finished service with Aunty Kim. She was sharing that day. They we just sitting around, probably uninformed of our arrival hence, blank stares followed us till we entered Uncle's house. I got a nice cosy bedroom with my own bathroom (I found out later their school's principle, Teacher Poh Chin stayed there for a year and they nicknamed it Poh Chin's room). My bags were locked so I borrowed Aunty Kim's slipper. We went for lunch soon enough and found out about the finals - the football league.
After a short nap we both decided to go, but John overslept. So, I went into Uncle's car. It was my first day, truth be told I forgot their names the second after they told me. Nevertheless, my penpal and her twin Siang Eng and Siang Ee were there, so I stayed with them. First day of having so much dust in my feet. In my face. But its okay, I took some pretty nice shots. Went back, had dinner. Aunty went back to the youth house in Phnom Penh. Not sure if I joined their tuition that night but I slept well. That was day one.
I'll break it down into weeks to simplify things:
Week 1: We stayed at home (the center) to wrap the library books, do puzzles etc. On Wednesday Uncle brought us to the market - he was afraid we would die of boredom. Haha jokes. We also stopped by their school to see the principle. Went to school for two days: observed on those days. Weekends the kids helped us wrap. (After their chores of course). It was like a gotong-royong. When Uncle Sunny was not around Aunty Kim came. We spent the Sat night eating mangoes, talking and laughing under the tamarind tree. The boys had endless stories of ghostly encounters, farting stories and so many. Laughed till it hurt. Really. Honestly, working with John was not easy at first. I think he knows it too. Haha. But thankfully the Lord gave me a new grace, more patience and this made me grateful to be placed with him. I learned that it was His plan to understand others more instead of selfishly getting things done my way. For that I am grateful and thankful to have John around. And, yes before you judge: in the end we managed to agree and we got along. I'm kidding about the judging part, haha but for the curious ones, in case you are wondering.
Week 2: Went to school 4/5 days. My reason: bored and sick. Teacher made us go back to wrap books, and for John, to draw.. and so we did. Obviously John got to do something he did and I just became a professional book wrapper. Yeap, certified in fact. Haha! On the brighter note, we got coconuts to drink too! In the crazy hot weather it was like heaven especially chilled ones. Mmm.. Meanwhile, in the center we got most of the wrapping done. Taped the labels and numbers while typing the books into the system. Occasionally I got so tired I let the boys type it in. It is funny seeing them looking for alphabets on the keyboard, haha typing lessons 101. But they didn't mind, and neither did I so everyone was happy. Soon after that we made envelopes and when she was around Aunty helped cut the cards and write on it. That Saturday, after helping the girls sweep and pick up the rubbish, Uncle Sunny made pancakes for our breakfast! A rare occasion according to Aunty. Hahaha, I miss being in their home sometimes. Anyways, that weekend during service Uncle spoke about friends - choosing them wisely. By that time I remembered 3/4 of the kids name! Okay I still had to guess sometimes. But trust me it was not very easy. On Sunday I got to go to the village to see the Grade 9's class. Afterwards Mum Lee took us to her place. It was really nice. She had a very nice garden and two very adorable dogs.
Week 3: By this week I was very close to the kids already. Specially the little ones and the girls in Lamb dorm. Spent naps with them, study sessions, night tuitions too without a doubt. At night we assisted them with whatever we could, but trust me - we always end up talking. Talking about Malay (In Khmai they call Malaysia: Malay), places they wish they could go, people they like, their families. About the happenings in school, center and etc. Wednesday and Sunday I got to see to villages where the Grade 9 and 10 teach. On Wednesday the tuk-tuk driver took us all to his house. His wife was almost going to give birth. :) That Friday I skipped school to go to Srey Touc's village. It was around 20 mins on motor. Her brother-in-law picked us up. I know it was a dangerous thing to do, get on a strangers motorbike in an unknown land, but I got back safe and sound hey! It was great to see the village life anyways. Despite the poverty of the families there I could see the contentment on their faces. With the little they have, they live, they play, and they love. That's what matters most. They just need Jesus. Someday.. someday. That weekend, we finished up the library work. Mostly I lazed around with the girls. Something big happened. Well not exactly but one of the girls had a panic attack - which led to a series of events, but that shall be a story for another day. I learned how to elevate drips, remove them and faced my fear of needles. Ugh kind of terrifying, really an experience.
Week 4: Kim Meng wanted to go to the village with me since forever to get me a new phone case. They said mine is so aloi. One of the girls got me a screen protector for 2500 riels, and the boys helped me stick it on. On Monday I skipped school again to finish up the books. Realised that there were some left undone because the girls cleaned up and left some books hidden. So that Monday I got the work done, Sross was a sweetheart and sat down with me for 4 hours. Writing cards. That time, the mothers got into a huge disagreement but he stayed with me and talked as if nothing happened. Uncle Sunny came to make sure I got rest, water etc haha. Finally went for lunch when the kids came. The rest of the week was sad. Took a group picture after prayer meeting on Wednesday and joined their combined prayer meeting the next morning. On Thursday I made everyone take pictures with me. Friday everyone asked if I was really leaving the next day. Some of them thought I was just kidding haha.
And so, if you're reading all the way till here, congratulations! Pray about going to see these wonderful kids okay. Yes it was a joke. But if, on any occasion, if you happen to be there, send them my love.
More than a week has passed since I left. My heart hurts less but I've never stopped missing them as much. Pictures are up on Facebook here. I'll try to add more captions too tell more. :)
God bless.
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