Sunday, 4 March 2018

the mess of Me

Often I wonder how someone can see me and all my flaws, yet still chooses to see the good parts. Just thinking about the sermon in church today makes me pause. We talked about how Jesus asks the first one without sin to cast the stone. None of the scholars who accused the guilty could claim they are without sin.

If God can forgive an adulterous woman, who am I to deprive anyone else of forgiveness?

I have been mulling that thought for a few weeks now. How does one forgive oneself? How does one forgive others? Naturally, as flawed beings, our easiest response is to keep track of how much one has wronged you. Yet, forgiveness calls for a new slate. How easy is that? Not so. But if the mess of me can be overlooked and forgotten, I have to start. Somewhere. Somehow.


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