Monday, 30 September 2019


i've often heard of change being the only constant. i know this to be true. yet, each time a huge change comes, it hits me in the face. like relentless waves in a tide. i, who claims to know the constant change, am now swept away.

humans like you and me gravitate towards familiarity. what a nice word. synonymous to constants, quite different than change. i marvel at how strong the force of gravity remains - towards the search of what seems familiar. the search of a safe space to be who you truly are. the search of familiar sounds and smells. the search to find warmth in a person's smile.

constantly changing.

changing constantly.

i think, the understanding of leaning into not knowing. to enjoy the process. to never accept fear and insecurities. to live out of peace. overflowing peace that surpasses all understanding, even in the unknown.

change is constant, but peace is too.


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