Sunday, 4 October 2009

Yesterday night. (:

Yesterday after BB and dinner Samantha insisted we light her lantern. SO yeah, We did just that (: I don't mind, she's my little princess after all right? LOL.

TIFF gila already (:

Abit blur, the princess in pajamas

three candles: tallest one is obviuosly me (: Tiff is the not-so-tall-one, Samantha is the cutest one (:

Hey, PMR students out there. Wishing you all the best (: don't worry if you haven't studied enough. (:
To Jon, the oh-so-annoying-brother. You too (: i know you've studied you ass off.
I WILL forgive you for making me laugh when I was drinking water just now. -.-
So wednesday is D-day Jon.
Get mum and dad 7A's yeah?

we shall be the shining light, among the darkness (:

GTG, hope i update (:
Lord, make exams easy.


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