Thursday 2 September 2010

Aww ,

It just reminded me of Jack and PT ;)

Hey there, I got dozens of reasons to blog. But the words just can't type out right , whatever that means. SO , I got some belated wishes ;)


To the brainiac, who's ever so kiasu (it's a compliment) ILY y'know, thanks for everything yeah, we need you cause you're the only one that can actually think straight when the rest of us go crazy :P

And today,

Kenneth Weeeeeeeeeee!

You just wanna slide down a slide. -.- To the guy who can never get fat, but claims he's muscular and sexy anyways , happy sweet sixteenth , me & jon wished you first only cause we cheated! Hahah., have an awesome one aight, get fat ;D


I read this, in one day ,

Well, what can I say? Who knew Lexi would die in the end? There, I spoiled the whole book for you :P But yeah, it's sad, I don't know how I stand it too ;/ Gahhh.


 comeeeeeeee, it's tmrw 1245-200!

BYE aliens ,


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