Monday 12 March 2012

#481 God knows my feet are aching,

Well, I owe you a concert post. But before that. Despite all this busy-ness. Meeting Joe & the trios. Its rather amusing why we get so crazy and hyped up over them. I mean life goes on too. Right, nothing is as easy.

So to my dear friend, who has always showed me that giving up on someone is not an option. I hope everything goes well. Things happen sometimes, but no matter how hard we gotta trust that it is a small part of God's perfect plan. Hang in there Zheng. Sorry for being too sarcarsticandmean lately. ):

OKAY SO. The picture of Joe and another girl came out from Galaxie. HAHAHA.

NO, i'm not jealous. Okay I'll tell you what kind of fan I am. I really like his music and down to earth personality. And that's about it. In fact I hope he finds & marries a really pretty/nice girl that's equally as down to earth like him! Haha, exciting to see who though. :) Among the trio, I like Clinton alot too. He's really nice and funny. Going "OMG, ITS JOE" and mocking us. Haha he even said " I LOVE YOU TOO MAN" back at us when we shouted. :)

THIS, is why I'm part of the #BrooksTribe

Till then!


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