Wednesday 12 September 2012


The furcula, commonly called a wishbone, is the forked,
flexible bone in a bird's breast;
 it is essentially a fusing of the clavicle bones (collarbones)

Yes, so today. I stumbled upon a wishbone. Never knew what it was but Jon has taught me that if it breaks and he gets the piece his wish will come true. Each time, he got it. :( But this time, no one was there to break it with me.

So as you can see, its the littlest things in life that remind me of him. Its like as much as I want to forget and move on, like as if life is normal, things like these will just come and hit right back at me. I really wanna stop missing him. But life is hard, and waay different. Its worse than losing a best friend; and almost like losing a brother.

Do tell me, how does one cope with that?

Till then.


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