Wednesday, 21 May 2014


Today was a considerably important day for me - medically. My MRI scans were out, and I was freaking out to be honest. Yesterday, I was a mess. Suddenly felt the seriousness of the day and things became worse when we arrived in the hospital. We were a little bit late - and in these clinics seconds matter. We had to wait for hours, watching patients from everywhere, with illnesses varying. Freaked me out even more to see people with metal rods sticking out of gauze/casts. Yes, you can say I was pretty bottled up. A thousand thoughts were running through my mind. And when Dad brought up a sensitive topic over lunch (Yes we had that much time to wait), we kinda argued. It was quite bad and I.... broke down. Tears quietly spilled, in the cafeteria of a hospital. Unbelievable. But here is why I am telling you about my dad.

Throughout the whole ordeal he calmly and reassuringly repeated his point. At that time, I just cried, feeling surprised he didn't cave to say I was right, he didn't try to console me. He let me just cry. He told me sometimes you get emotional when you are stressed, but you should never let your emotions get a hold of you and cloud your rational judgements. When the tears stopped, I recollected myself and felt so relieved. Lightheaded. True enough, his point started to sound logical. The more he spoke, the more I understood what he meant. How did he know I needed to get those emotions out of my system? I felt a little foolish for instigating this argument initially.

Suddenly, his point actually sounded valid. Knowing myself - headstrong and all, I seriously felt surprised for feeling like that. It was not like I lost the argument in any way, I did not feel that way at all I just understood. Dad's unconditional love for mom. Knowing when and how to keep quiet when she rants. Knowing his place and judging accordingly. Knowing when to console me - or not to. Knowing how to make me feel better. Man, mom is so lucky to have him.

Despite his flaws and all I pray for a man just like my Dad in my life. I can only hope for so much, but Dad is amazing. He enjoys cooking, he fixes things, he cleans, he takes care of us in ways we never knew, he is always there and most of all he supports my dreams.

Turned out I am physically whole again. Nothing to worry about, a minor injury. I can go back to sports now - gradually of course.

I am blessed.


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