Wednesday, 19 November 2014


DSC_8399I finally got my admissions pack. Headed to OU soon. So this is for everyone who believed in me right from the start:

Thank you to my family, who believed in me throughout this whole period. For encouraging me, allowing me to remain positive, and for always being there.

Dad - more than the money. For always checking up on my application. Your concern meant a lot.

For aunties and uncles who've prayed for me, Dad's cell group, and concerned friends who are always checking with Ma and Dad about my applications. Appreciate it.

For friends who remind me to be grateful and hopeful.

Most importantly, to the person up there smiling down and watching over me through everything. Nothing would have been possible if I didn't trust Him. What a journey eh? But really, thank you Jesus. :)

Phew, what a relief.

Will write a post soon about applying once everything is settled
(Because blogs have helped me out so so much, I hope my experience will benefit someone one day) but till then!


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