Saturday 3 September 2016

the party in heaven pt. 3 // c o m m u n i t y //

shout out to everyone who has been there for me. thank you for skipping hw time for me. thank you for the food. thank you for all the kind messages and the random visits of blotchy faced Eugenia. thank you for the prayers when I couldn't pray. thank you for the concern. thank you for crying with me. thank you for believing for me. thank you for the space and the understanding. thank you for fighting for me and helping me take this to heart, even when I cannot believe it, but "Jesus is, and will always be good". thank you for reminding me that He has never left.

most importantly, thank you for being my family and for constantly celebrating Grandma's life for me and with me. so glad that no matter where we go into the world, Jesus throws the best reunion parties and I will see all of your beautiful faces always and forever. so glad that Jesus chose everyone of you to be in my life.

community amazes me every. time. y'all are nothing but the best of the best.


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