Saturday 16 October 2010


Better Easier said than done.
Yes, as you can see, i'm titleless again. Hmm, since its the holidays, i'm actually trying to write more meaningful posts, but obviously, I don't try hard enough.

But it's okay I guess, since no one but me reads this darn blog. (:

OH, how can I forgettt? CG today was actually funn. Yess, but too bad Danielle couldn't make it. Aaron let us watch the Big Bang Theory on his mac. Ahhh, that show, is corny, & kinda hilarious actually. Don't know why i've never heard of it ;|

Oh well, tomorrows YC sunday, or combine service thingi. Can't usher though, mr. leg doesn't approve ;/  But I really feel like a jog weii, it's this feeling that i'm actually fat & it aint fun mind youuuu. ;(

Oh, why the lack of postings? I just found out i've posted 86 posts on tumblr. So there, my pathetic lame excuse ;/

I realised, I "oh" alot :O Hmmm, what I don't understand. Is why God, let little good girls like me get their ankles screwed. And what perfect timinggg, right after exams end & training starts :/

Boohoo, emo youu. NO. I'm not. I just don't like bad timings, thats all. Plus, the voltaren some stupid painkiller, the tube is almost drained outtt. Shows how much pain I killed in my leg. Oh yeah. Its definitely working alright -.-

Thank you for listening to me rant. I shall leave you all to die of boredommmm, nah, i'm kidding,

CHURCH TOMORROW, byeeeeeeeeeee!

ps/ My 300th postttttt ;D


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