Saturday, 5 December 2015

Hello again and again

I am suppose to be resting and trying to recuperate after this bad flu. But here I am, after watching About Time for the 562938th time (and still crying over the death of the father). Oh well.

I am here to say that social media is so inaccurate. Honestly, lately, people have been telling me things they see on the internet about me eg; the people I hang out with, what I do. But really, nobody knows how much time I don't spend socializing, how much time I spend alone, studying, or just being alone. People always think that i'm constantly hanging out with friends - which is not completely false, but really, social media pains such a horrible picture.

If you are ever in a place where you find yourself feeling jealous over someone's life after seeing what they post on social media - I would highly recommend you to reevaluate what you think. People love painting their lives on social media. I do not see why they shouldn't, because it is, after all the blank canvas of our generation. However, I would practice discernment when assuming about their lives. Remember that you do not know what they do not want you to see. So next time, if you ever find yourself wishing you were in someone else's shoe, remember that they are human too. Chances are, they might be facing the exact problems as you. Just saying.

Before I leave, this is a good reminder.

I love re reading my blog - sorry not sorry.

Till then!


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