Monday 30 November 2015

Pastor Bob

“But what does it matter? 
The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. 
Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, 
for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance. 
I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.”
Philippians 1:18-20 NIV

I had a really intense discussion with my friends earlier today about Pastor Bob. The preacher who preaches in the South Oval. The radical one that tells you after life is either heaver or hell.
You know what? That verse itself tells us to really not worry about these things.

Surprisingly, you may not realise it but this incident may actually spring up conversations about after life - that itself, a topic that everyone avoids and never acknowledges - the fact that they are talking about it makes it worth it.

Pastor Bob may or may not be preaching the right thing (you be the judge) but he definitely tugged on some heartstrings. He most definitely made everyone thought about after life, even for a second. That's all that matters.

Sunday 29 November 2015


"hi jie I miss you so much! I wish you could come home. Anyways Happy B'Day! xoxo from, Sam"

so I can never re-read my birthday card without tearing up. Life away from home is..I don't even know. I am too caught up trying to distract myself, forget about home - but when it hits, it hits hard. I have questioned my place here in OU - so far away from home.

Home sounds good now. Home sounds homey. Home is wherever fam is. Thanksgiving may be hard, but I am eternally grateful for my five cheerleaders who are my biggest fans and will always support my dreams. So no matter where I am, I can still be thankful. Regardless of what I feel, today I choose to be thankful, for the roof on my head, food in my tummy and a chance to study.

I am more privileged than so many others, just by having these three things. I don't think life can be better.

I am talking too much, I shall leave.



  • I got to eat Asian food
  • With Fam
  • Watched the game with fam 
  • OU won OSU today (Play offs left now!)

Thursday 19 November 2015

hello world

This is procrastination at its finest but hello.

I am here, in the library trying to figure about moments of inertia. And oh, finding out that i almost totally forgot how to integrate problems. Man. Honestly, someone once said that his degree was literally googling stuff up. Welp, with much regret, I have to admit I am learning from google more than I am learning in class. Only for some classes though.

But hello. Yes. So life is pretty good for me, pretty good because I just survived the toughest week/birthday week - yes, the coincidence is sad. But life is good because I am done with my only exam of the week! And that makes my heart (and brains) so very happy.

Also. I got my first Under Armour shoe. It was a gift - obviously, because I am super pro Adidas. But man, those shoes are so beautiful. Tiffany has the best taste in gifts. She is amazing.

This week - I took off my brace. I worked out. I got to run a little. I played some really intense squash with a new German friend, and then badminton. My legs felt like jelly afterwards - but it feels so good to be back! I am promising myself to take care of my legs and to never be in a situation where I have to wear a brace or a cast again - because that is the least my legs deserve. Oh well.

So yes. I know homework will not get done by itself - so the procrastination ends now!

Till then!

Sunday 15 November 2015

two decades

hello, here I am again. One year has past and it has been a journey. Welp. Time for another recap:

November (2014)
So on my birthday last year after the craziest journey of applying for a scholarship - I was finally granted the official contract. I got to celebrate my birthday at home with Mom.

December (2014)
Kor's homecoming. So finally, after 3 years, the brother flew home. We went to Sarawak for a whole two weeks. Spent good time with family. Also, I learnt so much about the family history. Stories that were never told, somehow, uncle and aunty would randomly tell. These stories encompasses the ancestry and its relation with religion, beliefs or rituals (like norms/customs). I am learning so much more about Dad's tribe and slowly understanding why we are the way we are. Other than that, I learnt how to appreciate good drinks. I also learnt that I turn beet red when I drink. Also, don't take shots without dilution. But in all seriousness, getting to spend Christmas (and new year) with the whole family together was priceless. Although we didn't make a big deal out of the celebrations (partly because we were all tired from travelling), it was nice to be together. I also got to sit down with the brother to talk, just the two of us. And man, it was probably one of my favourite months.

After New Year, I had four days to pack. On the fifth, I left for the states. Coincidentally, that was the coldest week of the winter. I lost my luggage and only got it one week later. Flights were delayed, bags were lost. Walking around campus was plain miserable. Orientation was tiring and not at all helpful. We were lost. Basically, I was lost. I did not know what I was stepping into. School started. I failed my first Physics & Calc test. Joined Antioch, a church. Found a lifegroup

I cried every skype call. Things got miserable. School was so different. It was cold. Cold cold days. But the roommate and coffee makers/tv nights makes life a little better. Went for the Fullness Conference at Antioch. Met Jeremy Riddle, heard Graham Cooke speak. Learnt about living in peace, and simple faith. The Graham Cooke way.

Spring break came around. Best one week of my life, spent with the Brother. Went to the Grand Canyon. Decided I like the black guiness stout. Had the best oranges. Had super good mexican food. Felt at home in ASU because the diversity there was amazing.

School got harder. But I adjusted to the system. School became a routine I was used to. Joined clubs. Met more people in church and lifegroup.

Finals/flying home! Finally got to spend family time. Got to celebrate friend's birthday. Felt so so good to be home and be with mom and dad. The humid air was tough - the adjustment to the food was weird. But it was all so nice. Being home

Landed an internship in KL. Commuted everyday and sat as the intern. Learnt that working life is hard because you have to decide what to wear every, single, day! Spent more time with friends. Learnt how dangerous the city can be. Took the train everyday.Took a summer class and got it done.

Independence day! Summer school started. met a Rice kid - Albert. Spent all of our days together, cause lab lasted till 3/4-ish. Brought Jose to lifegroup. Summer lifegroup was fun! So much fun being able to spend time with friends.

Classes ended. Plans cancelled. Spent time in Norman. Lived with Nosi for abit. School started. Met the E305 boys and basically went over everyday till I was deemed as ' the fifth roommate '.

The weather became colder. School was school. Started interning for lifegroup.

Turner falls. The Nyanats got married.Exams, School. Church. Life. Really bad days, and Jesus just showing me how much He cares event then. Countless miracles.

School. Homesick (cause birthdays) Thanksfeast. Just life with Jesus. So exciting. He makes everything worth it. Life is never mundane, when Jesus is by your side. When you don't have what you need, you realise that Jesus can be your homie anytime, anywhere yo.

Wow, I cannot believe a year passed by that fast. For real. Even though days seem to crawl by at times, one year flew by. I know that ^ was so vague. But honestly, God's faithfulness has been so real to me this year. I don't even know how to count the number of times I've tried to give up. I've felt extremely disheartened, hopeless. I've cried myself to sleep, cried over skype, cried over letters. Yet Jesus always sits by me and to find comfort at that point of disappointment is something worth believing for.

I do not know where to begin. God is so faithful and so real. All you have to do is just tell Him you trust Him with your life. His love goes beyond distance, and I love that. I love how He inspires me to love everyone I know, just because everyone needs a little bit of Jesus in them.

WELP. Good bye teen years!

Till then

Monday 9 November 2015

Thursday 5 November 2015


it's that point of the semester where I raise my white flag.

I have 3 homework due by Monday. One lab, and an exam next week.

On top of that, there's Lifegroup and the retreat. I think I need a break, but that's what I think.

stop overwhelming me school.

Sunday 1 November 2015



You have been pretty good to  me. It is the last day and I am writing this with my right leg bruised but feeling so blessed. Man, you were a roller coaster ride. You made me cry, you made me laugh, and you made me feel so loved.

I would say October, you were the best month yet. I would say best month yet because, this month were full of firsts. First Thunder game, first consecutive days of sleeping late, first month of serving kids in church, spending nights playing pool till 3 am, first indian meal away from home, first time missing home so much, since coming here again, first time spending time watching rewarding, beneficial videos, like this among many others.

I am also grateful for the people i've met and gotten to know more. Ah you surprised me. I had no clue you were going to be so fun. November, you have a lot to live up to.